Patch Log
Patch Log
[Updated] Servers Slots Bigger (Full-Issue) [Updated] Double Goer Event is now Hour by Hour [Updated] Gorgon Monster Time-Respawn reduced 30% [Updated] Red Dragon Monster Time-Respawn reduced 30% [Updated] Skeleton King Monster Time-Respawn reduced 30%
[Change] 'Cyclone' Skill now have 'Delay' for better Crystal Battle Event [Change] 'Lightning' Skill now has 'Dealy' for better Crystal Battle Event
[Fixed] Battle Pass 'Quest 5' not appearing on WebSite [Fixed] Crystal Battle 'move-to-lorencia-after-kill' [Fixed], now back to SafeZone [Fixed] Now you cant stay on PvM Square if does not have any monster there *This hotfix was done because of 'visual-bug' when people are there before monsters
Last updated